York History Center
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Multi-Service Center
Wound Warrior Project
Dept. of
Veterans Affairs
Army Heritage and Education Center
National Museum
of the US Air Force
National Coast Guard Museum
National Museum
of the U.S. Navy
National Guard
Memorial Museum
Seabee Museum
National Museum
of the Marine Corps
PA National Guard Museum
Military and war museums in the US by State

Military and war museums in the US by branch

Military and war museums in the US by war

Cold War museums in the US
US War Museums
US War Memorials
Famous US Veteran Memorials

Military US monuments and memorials

American Battle Mouments Commission
Civil Air Patrol Museum
American Legion
Veterans Crisis Line
VA Video Gallery
York County Vererans Affairs
PA Military Museum
Merchant Marine
National Archives Veterans
Vietnam War POW/MIA issue
Vietnam War POW/MIA List
Defense POW/MIA
Accounting Agency
World War II Heroes
Large list of resources for Vets also families who lost a family member warrior.
War time History of Nurses

Leaving a Legacy for those who care.

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This book has a large list and information about York County servicemen. Amazon
Stories of Service