ALLVETS is a nonprofit group that has the goal of preserving the stories of local veterans for the future. The recorded stories will remain a legacy of York County.

ALLVETS is a small group of people trying to save the stories of military veterans from time gone by. Some have humor and some heartbreaking. This is not just about their service; it is about who they are. We hope that these men and women would speak about how they grew up and what advice they may give to those who may watch or listen to these presentations in the future.
James Bean passed
January 14, 2017
Mr. Bean served as a Corporal in the U.S. Marine Corps 1st Battalion 9th Marines, "The Walking Dead", during the Vietnam War and received a Purple Heart for his service.  Read his obituary.
What is ALLVETS?
York County Appreciates Veterans

York County Heritage Trust Hosts ALLVETS

York Daily Record

Calling York Veterans:
               New VA Director Wants To Chat
We are also accepting legacies from
National Guard, Seabees, Merchant Marines, and Civil Air Patrol.
The recording, audio or video, is conducted at the
York County History Center 121 N Pershing Ave York, Pa.

Recording sessions will take place on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 7 PM. Each recording will be approximately one hour and veterans may preregister at no cost. All recordings are open to the public.The first veteran recorded was by James Bean, a Vietnam veteran, who is also ALLVETS founder. Listen to Jim's recording on YouTube.
LOCAL Watch: Vietnam veterans discuss the war.

The York County History Center hosts an event that gives veterans a chance to get a few things off their chest. The York County History Center isn’t just a place to learn about the county’s rich past, it’s also a place to meet hometown heroes and pay tribute to living history. The fourth Wednesday of each month from January through October, the History Center opens its doors to welcome a veteran. York County History Center library archives director Lila Fourhman-Shaull said "it's a great way to share history verbally, and not from a history book." ALLVETS president Linda Bean said "some feel that if they’re not in fighting, it’s not a story, but all veterans have a story." Bean explains the monthly roundtable event started with one veteran's own story. "My husband was always wanting to thank a veteran everywhere he went, and he had a friend who mentored him, and started this program," Bean said.

   Paul Wolfgang isn’t just the York County History Center’s photo cataloger, but he’s also a veteran himself. "I went in in 1948, on a three year enlistment, and President Truman gave me another year whether i liked it or not, and came out in the early 1950s, 1954," Wolfgang said. ALLVETS gives veterans a chance to share a part of their life that may have been difficult to talk about, until now. "We would like to have forgotten right after that time, but when we look back and think ‘hey, that’s life, it’s something we faced.' It’s something we can talk about now," Wolfgang said.

   The center keeps recordings of those conversations. Speakers include veterans of all ages from those who served in World War II or Vietnam to more recent military operations like desert storm or Afghanistan.

  "It’s always surprising when we ask them to start. They’ll usually say they don’t have much to say, and an hour goes by before they realize just what they’ve shared," Fourhman-Shaull said.

   "They don’t realize the importance of leaving a legacy for their family, so once they’
re gone, their stories would be gone, and it is important to get the younger ones in here," Bean said.

    Since the ALLVETS program began in 2015, all of the veterans who have volunteered have been males, but organizers hope to get their first female speaker soon. The York County History Center is located at 250 East Market Street in York. The event is open to the public and its free.

Fox43 News
Fox43 Video Feb 2018

Leaving a Legacy for those who care.

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York County History Center gave Allvets this award.  September 2019
A portion of AllVets donations goes towards a $500 "AllVets-Jim Bean" scholarship award to a senior at a local high school.

The scholarship is paid to the college or trade school of their choice. AllVets is very proud to award this scholarship in honor of the founder Jim Bean.
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